ISO 41001 Support
What is ISO 41001 support? Specialist auditing and training support to help you configure your Facilities Management (FM) regime for optimum efficiency, and prepare you for certification for FM’s Management Systems Standard (MSS).
What are the benefits? The new MSS constitutes a benchmark for developing and driving an effective strategic, tactical and operational FM regime. It is likely to soon become a prerequisite for business tenders, insurers, regulators, clients and shareholders (as has happened with ISOs 9001 and 14001).
How would it work? We have a range of options to suit your requirements and budget, from public training events through to onsite auditing or training.
Why choose KEY? No-one is better equipped to help you reach the standards required for compliance and certification. We are the UK’s longest-established FM business. Our CEO also led the development of the ISO 41000 family of standards (see section below).
What is ISO 41001?
- A Management Systems Standard (similar to ISO 9001, 14001 etc.) from the International Organization for Standardization set to transform how businesses and support services are managed and delivered globally. It provides Government, Industry and Commerce with a model for developing a world class proactive FM regime.
- The foremost standard among a set of new ISO 41000 standards being developed by Technical Committee ISO/TC 267 to provide a framework for global FM. KEY’s CEO, Stan Mitchell has been integral to the process, inspiring support for and Chairing ISO/TC267, and leading creation of the standards.
- ISO 41001 ‘Management Systems – Requirements with guidance for use’ aims to improve Facility Management awareness, and the development, implementation and maintenance of effective FM regimes in all sectors of industry and commerce.
- A framework for facilitating efficient, appropriate FM structures and resourcing, and confers criteria for assessing if suppliers are fit for purpose.
- A template for global businesses and markets which can help them develop a world class FM regime. It enables professional training and certification, and supplier benchmarking for public and private sectors.
“The Committee has been able to work together to form strong consensus across the 30+ countries that are currently members. ISO 41001 will help define across these countries the ‘what’, ‘why’ and ‘how’ of an optimal FM regime”
Stan MitchellGlobal Capability
Ensuring compliancy and consistent standards across emerging markets.
Integrated Operations
Free-up resources to drive forward, with a smart office, building or operation.
Facilities Management Solutions
Enabling control, cost-effectiveness, compliance and high-quality services.