Sustainability Leadership

An energy audit which delivers compliance, and cuts carbon and costs, without compromising service.

About Sustainability Leadership

What is ‘Sustainability Leadership’?  A rigorous audit of your facilities and operations for compliance with environmental policy, through the lens of best global practice on sustainability.

What are the benefits?  Culture and customers are changing to value responsible enterprises which lead on sustainability and energy saving, because future generations depend on it.

How would it work?  Using proprietary True FM tools, which can include smart technologies, we analyse your energy performance and  environmental impact, then help you become a sustainability leader.

Why choose KEY?  Because you need an audit suited to your specific context and constraints, and a partner with the skills required to transform findings into desirable, enduring outcomes.

I want to find out more about becoming a Sustainable Leader

Management Consultancy

Tailored next-generation audits for optimising offices, buildings and operations.

ISO 41001 Audits

Get compliant and optimised with help from the FM pioneers behind the standard.

Workplace Optimisation

Transforming office environments to protect and nurture your most precious assets.

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